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Bug Reports ARMA 3 Server


Bounty Mission Green team - TK Penalty

Josh buttsex parlor doenst pay cash, seems the other 300 territories dont pay either. Tried to find the script for this but I wasn't able to find it.

sniper team side mission completes instantly. Side note we forgot to add the spawn markers for the side missions which I have implemented today so they work correctly now.

Money shipment money bags gave a null when money was picked up.  I forgot to add a space after the money reference and the money total value I fixed it but haven't uploaded the latest verision.

Figured out how spawn on leader works. It is based on the spawn circle radius.  I found it in the editor.  We can implement easily I believe.

Worked on character saves added a line which calls the script to action in the initial init.sqf. haven't found where the script compiles yet with all the other server.functions..  it might be under the spawning or client functions

Making sniper towers moveable.

Adjust Fatigue so running longer

Money bag issue


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